
In fulfilling his duty as Master-at-arms on the Spelljamming ship Sunrunner, Amit favors his flintlock pistol & shield when it comes to repelling boarders. As a War Cleric of Tempus, his shots are divinely guided to keep both his crew & clients safe on their astral journeys. A friendly presence during downtime, Amit can usually be found chatting with any travelers to learn their stories. Over the last several weeks, he's begun hearing tales of strange mystics showing up in trade hubs like the Rock of Bral & the Radiant Citadel recruiting followers for unknown purposes. He's trying to convince the Captain to investigate, but has been unsuccessful so far.


This concept started as an attempt to build a ranged paladin to take advantage of smites available, but mechanically it's not there. A war cleric was the next logical choice, and the thought of a large giff having high dexterity became very amusing to me.